Treena WYSIWYG Editor

This is a demo of the WYSIWYG editor. This minimal editor is designed as a simple web-based alternative to LATEX, capable of writing beautiful and quick math documents.

Insert Menu

The insert menu is triggered by typing the “@” symbol. It provides you with all the objects that can be inserted into the document at your current point.

Bubble Menu

The bubble menu appears whenever something is highlighted, providing you with all the relevant options that may be applied. Try to highlight this text.

Input Rules

Input rules allow you to trigger different elements and styles by typing a specific shortcut. This supports all of the markdown input rules and more. A full list of the input rules is shown below:

Input Rule


Headings ( H1, H2, H3 )

#, ##, ###

Bold surrounded text


Italicize surrounded text


Underline surrounded text


Insert inline math


Insert block math


Insert footnote


Insert blockquote


Ordered List

1. or a)

Bullet List


Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts allow you to apply specific styles and attributes with a quick button stroke. A full list of the available shortcuts is shown below.



Headings ( H1, H2, H3 )

Shift + Mod + (1,2,3)


Shift + Mod + p

Bold text

Mod + b

Italicize text

Mod + i

Underline text

Mod + u

Insert footnote

Alt + f

Wrap in blockquote

Shift + Mod + >

Ordered List

Shift + Mod + 9

Bullet List

Shift + Mod + 8

Inserting Images

Images can be included by simply dragging them into the document. To resize an image, just click it and drag the red corner.

Set Alt Text
Click below an image to add a caption

Writing Mathematics

This editor uses asciimath for maths input. It is super easy to learn and has great documentation. You can add inline maths like this: , or you can add block math as seen below.

To change the maths just click or hover over the maths and tab into the popup to change the equation.